In the book "The disadvantage of being born", E. Cioran, with obvious irony, de-dramatizes death (accompanied by sad and painful events) so long as it is the irrefutable consequence of birth. The claim of Ortega y Gasset (a century ago) "I am myself and my circumstances" evidences that a person is not an entity in itself. And in front of the event of death is the same. The disappearance of a human being involves leaving these "circumstances": the reason of death, but above all, relatives, friends, home, books, dozens of objects that were all part of our lives. Almost all that remains. Whatever religion we profess, including agnosticism, death is the emptiness and silence. Personally, I have chosen in my will cremation because I believe that in my ashes, something eternal, it will remain part of me and the context and how my life evolved. I do not know why, but my desire is to be cremated seven days after my death. After that point in time, I am totally sure that my loved ones will choose the right fate for my ashes.